Logo Hine Adon Hotel Aparthotel Group

Your Residence
with Hotel Service


Legal Notes



Responsible for the Website

(C) 2015 Hine Adon Hotel Aparthotel
Rue Pierre-Aeby 11

Concept and Realization

Startups; Communication-Documentation-Presentation-Webdesign

© Copyright

The content of the entire website of Hine Adon Hotel Aparthotel, hereinafter designated as the “operator”, is protected by applicable intellectual property rights law.


Images, Logo, Graphics

The copyright for all images, the logo and graphics belong to Hine Adon Hotel Aparthotel and
except for the images below:









Privacy Policy

You can generally surf the pages of Hine Adon Hotel Aparthotel, without leaving any information that would enable a discovery of your identity.

We create no user profiles and do not gather such statistics. Cookies do not need to be enabled to use the site as a visitor.



This website has been carefully prepared. The operator, however, cannot take responsibility for the availability and accuracy of the contents. The operator reserves the right to change content at any time and/or withdraw access to web pages.



As you navigate through the pages, reading and downloading of content, however, some data is automatically collected and stored:

  1. The name of the Internet domain (for example, www.yourdomain.com) if you access the Internet through a private Internet account, and the IP address (automatically assigned to your computer by the Internet), through which you access our website
  2. The browser used (e.g. Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Opera, Safari, ...) and the operating system (e.g. Windows, Unix, Mac ...)
  3. Date and time of access
  4. The pages you have accessed
  5. The reference page, if you have accessed our website through another website.



(C) 2024 Hine Adon Hotel Aparthotel
      Design by AO-COM

Rue Pierre-Aeby 11
CH-1700 Fribourg